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ABS Training – “Because Quality Matters”

2023 Schedule of Asbestos and Lead Course Offerings

Asbestos Refresher Course Offerings                         

AHERA Asbestos Supervisor Refresher

May 2, 2023                             Chapin, SC

June 13, 2023                          Chapin, SC

October 3, 2023                       Chapin, SC

                                      Fee               $220                               

AHERA Asbestos Inspector Refresher

June 14, 2023                          Chapin, SC

October 4, 2023                       Chapin, SC

                                      Fee               $160


AHERA Asbestos Management Refresher

June 14, 2023                          Chapin, SC

October 4, 2023                       Chapin, SC

                                     Fee                $250

Lead Renovator Initial Course Offerings
May 5, 2023                           
  Chapin, SC
May 5, 2023                              Chapin, SC
September 22, 2023                Chapin, SC
                                        Fee              $200


Primary Course Instructors
Asbestos: Lee Capell, Ed Wrightson, Jim Tucker   
Lead: Ed Wrightson, Steve Boxx


Asbestos Refresher Course Offerings            
stos Supervisor Refresher
May 2, 2023                              Chapin, SC
June 13, 2023                           Chapin, SC
October 3, 2023                        Chapin, SC
                                         Fee             $220

AHERA Asbestos Inspector Refresher
June 14, 2023                           Chapin, SC
October 4, 2023                        Chapin, SC
                                         Fee             $160

AHERA Asbestos Management Refresher
June 14, 2023                             Chapin, SC
October 4, 2023                          Chapin, SC
                                         Fee              $250


ABS also offers the following courses:
AHERA Asbestos Worker Initial & Refresher
•    OSHA Class III (O&M) Worker Initial & Refresher
•    OSHA Class IV Asbestos Awareness
•    Lead Renovator Refresher
•    HazMat DOT
•    Building Physics: Moisture & Mold


To Register for a Course, Contact Megan Martin

803-345-3833 Office

ABS Environmental, Inc. is an Environmental Consulting firm serving clients primarily in the Eastern and Gulf Coast US Specializing in Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, Indoor Air Quality & Industrial Hygiene

Contact Information: 1416 Chapin Road, Chapin, SC 29036 | (803) 345-3833 | Email Us

Created for ABS Environmental, Inc. by Carolina Web Design Services LLC | Copyright 2017-2023

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