ABS Environmental, Inc.
1416 Chapin Road
Chapin, SC 29036
(803) 345-3833
Environmental Consulting & Training
Specializing in Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint,
Indoor Air Quality & Industrial Hygiene

Training & Continuing Education
Whether you are a company that needs to train a team of new hires or an environmental professional who must complete annual refresher courses to maintain state licensing requirements, ABS Environmental, Inc. provides comprehensive training for both businesses and individuals.
Why Choose ABS Environmental, Inc.?
A proven leader in training, ABS Environmental, Inc. offers top-quality continuing education instruction for architects, engineers, environmental scientists, insurance personnel, and attorneys. The company’s open classes cater to individual students and are held at our headquarters in historic Charleston, South Carolina. We also conduct convenient on-site training for companies with multiple personnel. In addition, we regularly develop and conduct ad hoc courses based upon industry demand or client request.
Our asbestos division is well known throughout the southeast for its first rate AHERA-accredited supervisor, inspector, management planner, and project designer courses. For students with multiple AHERA credentials, we schedule AHERA classes successively, so students can complete their refresher coursework within a few days. Our A/E instructors make difficult concepts accessible to a wide range of students. Using a combination of theory, case review, and hands-on sessions, students develop confidence in their knowledge of building performance.
The ABS Environmental, Inc. Training Department
All ABS Environmental, Inc. asbestos trainers and courses are accredited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), and each of our trainers has an in-depth knowledge of federal and state regulations including the EPA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and many state agencies. Because of our expertise in both the field and the classroom, we are often approached by agencies and asked to comment on pending changes to regulations. As a result, we are typically aware of regulatory changes before they are enacted.
While there are several choices for training in the southeast, the training team at ABS has set itself apart from the competition by providing the highest quality training with substantial value added services. Many of our students and contract clients have been training with our instructors for over a decade.

What to Expect in the Classroom
The ABS Environmental, Inc. training team has dedicated thousands of hours to the classroom. We enjoy educating all types of professionals from asbestos supervisors to construction attorneys to property casualty insurance personnel.
When you attend an ABS Environmental, Inc. class, you receive significantly more than just a continuing education certificate and an update of new regulations. You also get up-to-the-minute industry intelligence, money saving information, and new methods to ensure maximum value for your time and money.
ABS Environmental, Inc. trainers are working professionals with decades of experience in both training and the applied sciences. All classes are taught from actual field experience with a real world perspective. While we take our classes very seriously, we strive to make it an enjoyable experience for all our students.
Our classes are far from mundane lectures from a textbook. We promote an interactive learning environment and encourage students to ask questions. At any time, the classroom environment can change from a monologue to a dialogue. Our students bring a variety of experience and personality to the classroom and are welcome to share their unique experiences with the class.
After the Class
ABS Environmental, Inc. goes beyond traditional classroom training. Because regulations and industry standards are fluid documents, we provide our students with generous support after the class ends.
Once students complete their course and receive their certificate, they can rely on ABS Environmental, Inc. to provide guidance and clarification on regulations in order to remain compliant on the job. ABS Environmental, Inc. regularly acts as a liaison between our students and the Environmental Protection Agency and other regulatory agencies, and we frequently submit detailed questions to the agencies for our students.
Contract Courses
ABS Environmental, Inc. has developed long term business relationships with over a dozen contract clients. Our trainers frequently travel throughout the country to provide on-site training and ensure our clients’ teams remain licensed and compliant. If your company needs initial training or annual refresher courses, ABS Environmental, Inc. can conduct the training conveniently at your location.
ABS Environmental, Inc. provides the following training courses for open enrollment:
- AHERA Asbestos Supervisor Initial and Refresher
- AHERA Asbestos Inspector Initial and Refresher
- AHERA Asbestos Management Planner Initial and Refresher
- AHERA Asbestos Project Designer Refresher
ABS also offers the following course by contract:
(Please contact us for additional information)
- AHERA Asbestos Worker Initial & Refresher
- OSHA Class III (O&M) Worker Initial & Refresher
- OSHA Class IV Asbestos Awareness
- Lead Renovator Refresher
- HazMat DOT
- Building Physics: Moisture & Mold
- Lead Renovator Initial