ABS Environmental, Inc.
1416 Chapin Road
Chapin, SC 29036
(803) 345-3833
Environmental Consulting & Training
Specializing in Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint,
Indoor Air Quality & Industrial Hygiene

We provide Consulting and Training Services for
Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, Indoor Air Quality & Industrial Hygiene
Asbestos is perhaps the most common environmental concern, and ABS Environmental, Inc. is dedicated to helping our clients assess and remove this hazard. ABS Environmental, Inc. has collected thousands of asbestos samples and has completed hundreds of projects ranging from simple inspections and reports to turnkey management. Our scientists and technicians are thoroughly trained in and experienced complying with regulations including, AHERA, NESHAP, NIOSH 7400, and SCDHEC. We are also experienced in providing AHERA inspections and re-inspections for schools.
Asbestos Services:
â– Asbestos Sampling and Inspections
â– AHERA Inspections and Re-inspections
â– Asbestos Management Updating and Planning
â– Remediation Design and Documentation
â– Preparation of Abatement Bid and Contract Documents, including CADD Drawings
â– Assistance with Contractor Selection
â– Abatement Management and Oversight
â– Air Monitoring and Analysis
â– Clearance Inspections
â– Training
â– Emergency Response
Recent studies have indicated that, in many cases, indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air. Indoor air pollution is caused by mold and bacteria, chemicals, and indoor allergens. Indoor air quality issues have become a primary concern for institutions such as schools, universities, and health care facilities. Armed with the most effective equipment available, our scientists can assess your areas of concern, provide sampling and measurements, and make recommendations based on findings. Responding quickly to indoor air quality issues is also part of our services. We understand the sensitivity of occupants to odors, mold, or chemicals. We provide 24-hour emergency response services, and we can secure a specialty subcontractor on behalf of our clients or assist with selection.
Indoor Air Quality Services:
â– Inspections
â– Identification of Potential Sources
â– Sampling and Analysis
â– Radon Testing
â– Atmospheric Measurements
â– Contaminant Measurements
â– Measurements of System Components
â– Repair Recommendations
â– Oversight of Repair Contractors, if Necessary
â– Training
â– Emergency Response
Lead-based paint is the most commonly known environmental health risk associated with children. However, this hazard can also affect school staff members and building contractors. ABS Environmental, Inc. is adept at helping our clients mitigate this risk. ABS Environmental, Inc. is an EPA certified lead firm, and our highly trained staff have well over 30 years of experience in all aspects of LBP issues. All ABS Environmental, Inc. inspections and risk assessments follow the HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing and are in compliance with the EPA certification program protocols. South Carolina’s stricter definition of LBP, 0.7 milligrams of lead per square centimeter when measured by XRF and 600 parts per million when analyzed by a laboratory, will be utilized.
Lead-Based Paint Services:
â– Risk Assessment
â– Inspection
â– Clearance
â– Condition Assessment
â– Sampling and Analysis including Paint Chip, Soil, Air, and/or Wipe Samples
â– Remediation Design and Documentation
â– Preparation of Abatement Bid and Contract Documents, including CADD Drawings
â– Assistance with Contractor Selection
â– Abatement Management and Oversight
â– Training
â– Emergency Response
Industrial hygiene services encompass more than just the most well known elements of asbestos, LBP, and mold. ABS Environmental, Inc. includes staff who are fully trained in OSHA programs and compliance, and we can assist clients with most any need ranging from air monitoring to mercury testing to development of internal procedures and programs. In addition, when it comes to all types of industrial hygiene training, ABS Environmental, Inc. is called upon first. We have provided training programs at clients’ locations as well as in our training facilities. We train client staff as well as other consultants and regulators - making us leaders in the field.
Industrial Hygiene Services:
â– Mercury Testing
â– Air Monitoring
â– Noise Monitoring
â– Hazardous Materials/Process Evaluation
â– OSHA Program Development
â– Auditing
â– Training
â– Personal Protective Equipment Assessment
â– Radon Testing
â– Pesticide Management